Drostanolone Enanthate: REAL FACTS clenbuterol side effects AND REVIEWS
Drostanolone (Masteron) is a truly unique drug that suits many athletes because of its ability to dry out the muscle while on a cycle. With a normal dosage, it significantly improves athletic performance. Even with a carbohydrate deficiency in the diet, the athlete will notice a boost of energy. Hard workouts can even be easier to complete. There is a pronounced Anabolic effect which results in an increase in muscle mass.
For those who is familiar with Drostanolone Enanthate already we have prepared the list of trusted providers that sell Drostanolone online: Read our Guide
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Effect of using Drostanolone Enanthate:
Drostanolone Enanthate was synthesized by Syntex and gained unprecedented popularity among bodybuilders in the 1970s and 1980s. It’s similar to Primobolan in action. Syntex does not manufacture Masteron or any of its variants now. Some of the benefits of this steroid include:
- Does not aromatize;
- Allows for the reduction in dosages of Trenbolone and Testosterone;
- Has a mild effect;
- Non-toxic and does not affect the liver;
- Increase in muscle mass;
- Can be stacked with nearly every other AAS;
- Effective benefits for drying out the muscles.

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Drostanolone Stacked with other steroids: info page

Learn what are the side effects of Drostanolone
What is the steroid Masteron?
Masteron is an oil-based steroid that is given by injection. It was developed as far back as the 1950s but didn’t hit commercial markets until the 1970s. This steroid is considered cosmetic and is said to add polish and shine to an already lean, toned physique. There are two types of this steroid: Masteron Propionate and Masteron Enanthate. The propionate version of Masteron is much more popular in the fitness industry, as it works faster than the Enanthate version and is injected more frequently.
Prior to the 1970s, masteron was used widely in the past to treat medical diseases and illnesses but its use in the medical industry died down when other treatments became available.
Drostanolone is not a basic drug because it is used to solve specific problems. You can inject this drug on a solo cycle, but it is better to use it in conjunction with other steroids. This will lead to a synergistic effect and increase the results of the cycle. Long esters can also be combined with short esters – Drostanolone Propionate.
What is Masteron Enanthate?
Drostanolone is an Anabolic-Androgenic steroid of the Dihydrotestosterone group that was never marketed. It is considered a medium or mild strength steroid and is distributed under the brand name Masteron. The steroid comes in two variants; Propionate and Enanthate. Masteron Enanthate is the same Anabolic steroid as Masteron Propionate as the hormone itself has not been changed. The only difference between the two compounds is the attached ester, which affects the drug’s active life and it’s release into the body. Although this steroid is used by bodybuilders and athletes, it is not nearly as popular as Masteron Propionate. Masteron Enanthate, commonly known as Drostanolone Enanthate is a “DHT” based steroid. Drostanolone is just the DHT hormone structurally altered. The alteration exists through the addition of a methyl group at carbon position 2. This ensures the hormone doesn’t suffer any Metabolic breakdown brought on by the 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme found in the skeletal muscle. This simple structural change also makes this hormone far more Anabolic, and that gives us Drostanolone. Enanthate is not a steroid or a drug but nothing more than a timing tool used for release times of this drug.
Favorite bodybuilder’S steroid?
Masteron Enanthate contains an ester attached to the drug, that is responsible for slower, but longer release rate. The Propionate ester has a faster release rate. This requires Masteron Propionate to be injected every other day. Athletes using masteron steroid which you are only required to inject this steroid twice per week. This steroid in either of its esters, is a favourite among bodybuilders, especially in the weeks before their show.
It is not considered to be a strong steroid but also not considered to be weak. Masteron is a moderate steroid that is well known for use in cutting cycles. Masteron has become extremely popular as a compound used in pre-contest cycles alongside other cutting compounds.
When taking Masteron by itself, the gains made will be very slow and steady but will not fall short of being impressive. But due to the relative absence of side effects and its lack of Estrogenic action, it may be suitable for beginners who want a gentle introduction to using Anabolic steroids.
Masteron Enanthate: is it really safe and effective?
What’s all the hype about? As Masteron rose to fame for its therapeutic effects, bodybuilders started using it for contest preparation. It’s now viewed as an almost essential drug in the pro ranks for its use when cutting for a show. This steroid definitely means business. Speaking of this, let’s get down to business and tell you what Masteron Enanthate is all about…
High-Quality Drostanolone for sale
High-Quality Drostanolone for sale

Why Should I inject Masteron Enanthate?
The basic benefits of both esters include a leaner and harder physique. It is known by many as a cosmetic drug and really adds polish and shine to an already toned body. Although it is considered a mild Anabolic steroid, Masteron has many positive benefits when it comes to the overall look of the athlete or bodybuilder. It is highly favoured for its ability to produce solid muscle mass, strength and reduces the level of body fat (if the individual’s bodyfat is already lower than 10%). Masteron is said to help ramp up the body’s metabolism and promote steady increases in both energy and endurance. Like we’ve already indicated, the benefits of injecting Masteron will only be experienced if the individual is toned, lean and eats clean. This steroid has the ability to draw out excess water and promote the look of thinner, drier skin. Masteron may also slightly improve recovery times. This steroid can also be beneficial to runners and athletes that have to remain in a certain weight class.
Masteron really shines when it comes down to its muscle hardening effects. Muscle density also increases from injecting this steroid. Because this steroid will suck the excess water retention from your body, skin will appear thinner causing muscles to look fuller and more defined.
Masteron is a steroid that will only do good for the body, if the body is already lean with a lower fat percentage. Taking this steroid will be a complete waste for those who do not have a toned physique and do not eat clean and train on a regular basis. Masteron maximizes the effects (to a certain degree) of any other Anabolic steroids it is stacked with in any variety of Masteron cycles. This steroid holds a moderate Anabolic strength rating, making it only ever so slightly stronger than Testosterone, and in some cases it may be weaker. Masteron’s highlight lies in its ability to assist and potentiate the activity and effects of other steroids stacked with it. Essentially, it allows the other combined Anabolic steroids alongside it to offer greater effects. It is known by many as a cosmetic drug and really adds polish and shine to an already toned body. Although it is considered a mild Anabolic steroid, Masteron has many positive benefits when it comes to the overall look of the athlete or bodybuilder.
Drostanolone Enanthate: Awesome Bulking and Cutting Steroid
When it comes to bulking cycles, Masteron is not one of the best choices for those looking to drastically increase size. In fact, the effects of this steroid during a bulking phase will be rather weak. Although it is not common to use Masteron in a bulking cycle, there are users who incorporate this steroid into their bulking cycle because they want the benefits of losing fat in addition to the Anti-Estrogen properties. This will help the individual who wants to avoid gaining weight and fat during the off-season.
For the full positive effects of Masteron Enanthate to be seen a lean physique will show them best. This means the prime time for this steroid will be during a cutting cycle and the leaner the individual is, the more pronounced the effects will be. Masteron is very popular and most commonly used in cutting cycles and pre-contest cycles. When cutting, Masteron will not work to perfection on its own without strict dieting and training. When combined with both factors, Masteron has the ability to enhance the body of those who compete. You’ll often see those experienced with steroids stacking Masteron with other Anabolics such as Winstrol, Testosterone and Trenbolone (to name a few). Masteron can actually assist with the potential activity of these other Anabolics when used correctly in a cutting cycle. It is also said that using Masteron during a cutting phase will allow the individual to experience better pumps when working out.
Drostanolone Enanthate: The Real Length of Cycle
Masteron Enanthate is a long-estered, long-acting variant of Masteron, and is best utilized in longer cycle lengths (upwards of 10 – 12 weeks or longer). Some will run their cycles for shorter amounts of time (for example 6-12 weeks) but this will vary from person to person and depend greatly on his or her goal at the end of the cycle. Another factor to consider when planning a Masteron Enanthate cycle, is what other steroids are going to be stacked within the cycle. It is common for bodybuilders to use Masteron only within the final 2-4 weeks of a cycle leading up to their competition or even photoshoot. Some users will choose to run this steroid for longer periods of time, even up to 20 weeks. These cycle lengths are not only for the male athlete but are also for women who choose to use Masteron.
What about Masteron Enanthate’s Half-Life and Detection Time?
Drostanolone Enanthate possesses a half-life of 7-10 days. When speaking in terms of detection time, for those who enter drug tested competitions, Drostanolone Enanthate can be detected for up to 3 months. It is worthy to mention that the Enanthate version of Drostanolone is rarely ever used. Detection times are important for bodybuilders and athletes who regularly compete in drug tested competitions. If a simple urine test comes up positive for Masteron or any other banned substance, that could mean disqualification for the individual.
Information to know about Masteron Enanthate dosages and proper administration
Masteron Enanthate dosage requirements do not need to be that high, but we do suggest to begin around 400mg weekly. Usually it depends almost completely on what the individual wishes to gain from their cycle and the steroid itself. Beginner Masteron Enanthate dosages normally begin at 400mg/week, though many bodybuilders who utilize it only for its Anti-Estrogenic or pre-contest effects could easily utilize 200mg/week on top of other steroids in their cycle. If the individual’s bodyfat percentage is low enough in this case, there should be significant noticeable benefits to the physique even in the dosage range of 200mg/week. Intermediate and advanced Masteron Enanthate doses as high as 600mg/week or higher (800mg/week or more) can be used, but are almost entirely unnecessary. Stacking Masteron with other steroids like Winstrol, Anavar and Trenbolone will also maximize the effects of your cycle. Women who choose to use Masteron can do so at dosages ranging from 50-100mg per week. Depending on the fitness level of the female and the tolerance level, some users will choose to increase the dosage to get the most out of this steroid.
Regardless of the dose, the total weekly dose may be split into two equal size injections per week, such as one on Monday and one on Thursday.
The pronounced fat-burning property, due to the low Anabolic index, has a negative side. It manifests itself in an increased risk of Androgenic reaction.
Drostanolone Enanthate possesses a half-life of 7-10 days. When speaking in terms of detection time for those who enter drug-tested competitions, Drostanolone Enanthate can be detected for up to 3 months. It is worth mentioning, that the Enanthate version of Drostanolone is rarely ever used. Detection times are important for bodybuilders and athletes who regularly compete in drug tested competitions. If a simple urine test comes up positive for Masteron or any other banned substance, that could mean disqualification for the individual.
Side Effects from Masteron Enanthate that you could face!
Masteron is considered a steroid that is fairly mild when it comes to the negative side effects. It is important to note there is buy steroids always the possibility of side effects when introducing any Anabolic steroids into the body. The following side effects are possible:
Since Masteron is a DHT-derivative, it does not have the ability to be Aromatized by the Aromatase enzyme no matter what dosage is injected. This is a great advantage for those who choose to cycle with Masteron. No Estrogenic effects should occur, and the individual should not fear this effect. For those who are not aware of what Estrogenic side effects are, they include water retention which can lead to a spike in blood pressure along with Gynecomastia (also known as man boobs).
Even though Masteron is considered weaker than many other Anabolics, the risk of Androgenic side effects still exists. Masteron was initially intended to treat inoperable Breast Cancer in females, which explains its lower Androgenic strength rating of 25-40 versus Testosterone’s rating of 100. Because of this, Androgenic side effects can still present themselves with the use of Masteron, especially if the user is more sensitive to Androgenic side effects. Oily skin, increased spurts of acne, bodily and facial hair growth and baldness (if already prone to hair loss), are examples of Androgenic side effects that may occur. These side effects can occur to both males and females who use Masteron. In addition, women who cycle with this steroid may experience a deepening of the voice as well as enlargement of the clitoris.
Masteron may or may not have a negative impact on the cholesterol level of the user. Healthy individuals who use this steroid will most likely not see a huge spike in cholesterol levels, but it is always a good idea to keep these vitals in check. Keeping the diet cholesterol friendly and incorporating plenty of omega fatty acids will reduce the cardiovascular strain of Masteron to the body. In addition, regular cardiovascular exercise is strongly encouraged for a healthy heart and to maximize the benefits of steroid use.
Like all steroids, Masteron can and will suppress the body’s natural Testosterone production, although it is not considered the most suppressive steroid. Generally, most if not all steroid users, will incorporate Testosterone into any steroid cycle to prevent Testosterone levels from dropping too low. Natural Testosterone production will begin again once the steroid is stopped or the cycle ends.
Liver problems are not associated with the use of Masteron since it is not a C17-alpha alkylated Anabolic steroid.
What can you recommend about a Masteron Enanthate PCT?
When we use steroids (oral or injectable), our natural hormone levels are changed. Most Anabolic steroids suppress our natural Testosterone production to one degree or another, and if the individual is not careful, Estrogen and Progesterone levels can increase past a healthy point. Of course, Estrogen and Progesterone can both be controlled while running a steroid cycle with proper supplementation practices, but the Testosterone suppression will remain. Then the user’s cycle comes to an end. Now what? Post Cycle Therapy or “PCT”. The primary purpose of PCT is to stimulate our natural production of Testosterone and shorten or enhance the total recovery process. Proper PCT will stimulate the pituitary gland into release more Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) which will in-turn stimulate the testicles to produce more Testosterone. Both Clomid and Nolvadex are good options for PCT but you only need to choose one. Some try one after one cycle and then try the other after a different cycle to see which they prefer.
Real experience of Masteron Enanthate injections: How, When, How much?
I have just finished a cutting cycle with Masteron Enanthate, Tren Ace and Winstrol (oral) and could not be happier with the results. Don’t judge me when you read this but yes people, I am a female who is not afraid to ingest or inject steroids. In fact, after reaching my potential naturally, I thought I’d check out the steroid world. As long as your diet is on point and you train on a regular basis, steroids will work for you just like they did and still do for me. Get your head on straight and plan your cycle out beforehand so you can do all the research you need to on what to take, how much to take and for how long. Just because I told you how awesome my stack was doesn’t mean that you will fall in love with it. It’s all trial and error and seeing how well your body tolerates and reacts to different steroids. If you have a low bodyfat percentage, Masteron will get it even lower and make you look chiselled and have way more definition. So, check it out the next time you think you might want to start taking steroids.

Analogues of Drostanolone: Only usefull information about Drostanolone

Basics of Drostanolone: Find out how athletes use Drostanolone and what they think about it

Drostanolone Injections guide: Get detailed instructions about self-injections of Drostanolone at home
Another guy tells his story about real Masteron usage: YOU must know it!
You always hear people say that buying steroids is a waste of money because they don’t do anything for your body. But those are the people that don’t even workout and would rather sit in the bar every weekend. Personally, I think you get what you pay for. I have just finished another cutting cycle which included Masteron Enanthate among a few other top cutting drugs. When I order steroids, I don’t look at the price. Instead, I do my research on what brands to purchase and how much to buy so I don’t run out. My life is the gym and training six or seven days a week for me is just something I do. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive and cycling with steroids is only as expensive as you make it. Masteron Enanthate is said to be a bit up there when it comes to the price. Honestly, this steroid works wonders for me and thins my skin out so much that you could see my veins stick out everywhere. The end result, a physique that could get me a trophy on stage. To me, spending a little extra money on steroids is far more worth it then spending my money on happy hour. Because I don’t drink, my bodyfat is sitting at 10%. When dieting extremely hard and cycling with Mast Enanthate and Trenbolone, I can get my bodyfat down to around 7%. This steroid will really give you the physique you want, if you are willing to pay for it and get serious about food and training.
Why to use Drostanolone Enanthate?
- Healthy (Heart and blood)
- Less (Fat, more muscle)
- Stronger (Bones)
- Better (Libido)
- Improved (Mood)
When is the right time to add Masteron to a cutting cycle?
Masteron is purely cosmetic in the way it works. Meaning that if your bodyfat isn’t sub 10% or at least at 10% don’t start taking it yet. If you run Masteron with a higher bodyfat percentage, you will likely be disappointed with the result. The right time to add it in cycle is when the bodyfat is very low to get the best results.
What’s up guys? Marathon runner here and want something to help my endurance. What do you think about masteron for endurance?
If your training for your next Marathon, chances are you may be tightening up your diet resulting in low energy levels. Feeling tired and lethargic will not help you when running those 20+ miles weekly to get ready for race day. Masteron is a great steroid which will ramp up your metabolism and promote steady increases in energy and endurance.
Hi guys. My next show is in 3 months. I compete in bikini division and what to know if masteron help me look my best for the stage. What do you think?
Being that you compete, the word masteron must have been heard a few times. Normally, I’d tell you that Masteron would absolutely help you to be looking your best on stage. You compete in bikini division. The judges don’t look for muscle striation and hardcore definition there. I’m not sure what your body looks like, but you don’t want those traits in that division
Healthy female, thinking of using masteron but have question before I do. Does masteron cause infertility or mess with the menstrual cycle? Reason I ask is I’d like children someday.
If you are planning on running Masteron for the next 2 years at high doses, you can be at risk. It really all depends on so many factors. My wife stopped getting her period just from years of intense training and no steroids at all. The gynecologist explained that its not uncommon for some females to stop menstruating after years of training. She also told us that its still possible to conceive although it may take a little extra work. As far as running a 6-8 week cycle of masteron here and there you’ll be fine.
I’m a female competitor, my first natural figure show was at age 32. At that time, I weighed 115lbs at 5’3’’. Today, I’m 42 and weigh 138lbs but its all solid muscle. Being that weight now, I want to compete in the physique division but know that I’ll never get a pro card doing it natural. There is still 16 weeks before competition day. Can you tell me if Masteron will give a dry hard look to my body if used a couple weeks before competition?
Your right, a pro-card will not happen without gear. Take Masteron 4 weeks out and you will have the look your going for, especially if you stack some Winstrol too.
Hey there, male approaching 50 years old and not too shabby. On a strict diet, high protein and low carb. I workout six days a week and want to know if masteron will benefit me. Looking to get cut up with some abs for the summer. Here’s my stats; 5’8, 180lbs, 11% bodyfat.
Hi. Yes, it will benefit you. Masteron searches around for people like you, looking for someone on a good strict diet that trains hard and a bodyfat percentage that is low. You’re love at first sight for good old Masteron. For real though, with how you are, your going to love the results. I’m interested to know what you think of it, so get back to me. Thanks